Grievance redressal and other relevant details
Email address for grievance redressal and other relevant details
For Queries releted to Financial Statement
Suresh Jankar Chief Financial Officer
For Institutional Investor/Analysts queries
Gautam Badalia Chief Strategy Officer, (Investor Relations Officer)
For Corporate Governance, Investor Grievance Redressal
Rathindra Das Group Head Legal, Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Nodal Officer (IEPF)
Rathindra Das Group Head Legal, Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
KFin Technologies Limited Corporate Registry
Online Dispute Resolution
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) has issued a circular on July 31, 2023 (ref. no. SEBI/HO/OIAE/OIAE_IAD-1/P/CIR/2023/131) and introduced a common Online Dispute Resolution (“ODR”) mechanism to facilitate online resolution of all kinds of disputes arising in the Indian securities market. The said circular was further amended by SEBI on August 4, 2023 (vide corrigendum – ref. no. SEBI/HO/OIAE/OIAE_IAD-1/P/CIR/2023/135).
The new Matrix to raise a compliant / dispute under the investor grievance redressal mechanism (including through the ODR web portal) is, as below:
Level 1 – Raise with the listed entity / its Registrar and Transfer Agent:
Initially, all complaints / disputes against the issuer company (i.e., listed entity issuing securities) are required to be directly lodged with the listed entity / its Registrar and Transfer Agent (“RTA”).
[Shareholders of Route Mobile Limited (“Company”) may lodge the same by e-mail on: or or by sending physical correspondence at: Route Mobile Limited, 4th Dimension, 3rd Floor, Mind Space, New Link Road, Malad (West), Mumbai – 400 064, India or to the Company’s RTA at KFin Technologies Limited (Unit: Route Mobile Limited), Selenium Tower B, Plot 31 & 32, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally Mandal, Hyderabad – 500 032.]
Level 2 – SEBI SCORES:
Disputes remaining unresolved at Level 1 may then be raised through SEBI Complaints Redress System (“SCORES”) which can be accessed at FAQs on the process to be followed for registration / lodging complaints / disputes, is available at
Level 3 – ODR Platform:
An investor can initiate online dispute resolution through the ODR portal, within the applicable timeframe under law, after the option to resolve complaint / dispute with the listed entity through the routes available at Level 1 and Level 2 are exhausted.
It may be noted that the dispute resolution through the ODR portal can be initiated only if such complaint / dispute is not pending before any arbitral process, court, tribunal or consumer forum or if the same is non-arbitrable under Indian law.
The platform is live for registration of complaints/disputes by investors from September 16, 2023. The link of the ODR portal is
There is no fee for registration of complaints / disputes on the ODR Portal. However, the process of conciliation / arbitration through ODR portal may attract fee and the same shall be borne by the concerned investor / listed entity / its RTA (as the case may be).
The aforesaid SEBI circular / corrigendum can be accessed on the website of SEBI at or can also be downloaded from here SEBI circular dated July 31, 2023 on Online Resolution of Disputes in the Indian Securities Market and Corrigendum cum Amendment to Circular dated July 31, 2023.