
ESG Initiatives by Route Mobile Foundation

In 2021, we reviewed and prioritized our stakeholders: to this end, existing corporate communication channels, the requirements of ESG ratings and rankings, and frequent inquiries from investors were evaluated. Accordingly, we assessed ourselves by ESG Risk Assessments & Insights Limited and received an overall rating of ESG-RISK A, indicating that it is an ESG leader with a largely positive track record of managing material risks. As part of our commitment to good business, we engage regularly with key stakeholders. This process helps us to understand, prioritize and manage our sustainability impacts as an organization as well as evolve our client services.


There is clear evidence that global temperatures are rising rapidly, with the last four years being the four hottest on record, and that man-made GHGs are having a direct impact on climate. We support the view that urgent action is needed to address climate change. We…


Our social investments address key needs such as access to health care, disaster relief, education and economic development. To fulfill our company’s vision and value statements, we strive to be a good neighbor and a positive community partner. We seek…


The foundation of RML’s governance model is the Code of Conduct and a collection of supporting statements, including guidelines, that reflect our commitment to a culture dedicated to integrity, responsibility and ethical behavior. The Company…

Rajdipkumar Gupta

Managing Director & Group CEO

MD & Group CEO Message

Dear Stakeholders,

I have great pleasure in presenting the 2nd edition of Route Mobile’s Sustainability Report for this fiscal 2021. Our commitment to ethics and integrity and our culture of sustainability benefits communities and the world, while improving our shareholder value, reputation, productivity, and employee retention.

As promised last year, I am extremely pleased to share with you all that we are transitioning to publishing sustainability report “In Accordance – Core Option” level of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. I believe that our reporting practice is consistent with GRI’s reporting principles in all material respects. Our business practise incorporates Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, which find place in various policy documents and especially in our employee as well as supplier code of conduct. We’re very aware that companies can no longer stay on the sidelines when it comes to global issues, and I’m very satisfied with the level of our sustainability ambitions. What we are and will be doing is fitting for a company of our size, knowledge, reach and leverage. Our commitment to leadership in sustainability is anchored in our corporate values. We want to create more value – for our customers, our employees, our shareholders, for the communities we operate in, and for our company – while reducing our environmental footprint at the same time.

Activities Snapshots

Tree Plantation 2022

ESG Committee Members

Chinmay Joshi
Ashishkumar Jaiswal
Ashutosh Matal
Babita Maheshwari
Mitesh Patel
Rahul Pandey
Vishaka Barot
Vivek Gaud
Sammy Mamdani